Canada: We Recycle
Canadians like to recycle. They recycle everything – not just paper, plastic and the usual suspects but they also recycle food. Supposively, Toronto officials walk around and inspect people’s garbage bins to ensure recyclables don’t end up there. Who knows what the punishment for violators is – life without hockey, perhaps?
My parents, being the proud law-abiding Canadians that they are, ensure that everything is closely examined for its recycling potential before its fate is determined.
“Noooooooooooooooooooo!” they scream if they suspect something wrongfully took the path to Michigan, where Ontario sends its garbage.
Now you would think the Recycle v. Garbage decision is an easy one. But this is a tricky task – supposively, a food-clad paper towel should make it into the recycling bin, whereas a booger-clad one probably should not. Then again, they have proudly pointed out that diapers are also recycled in Canada, so I'm probably wrong.
Recycling bins are a subject of major excitement here. All the households are about to get new recycling bins and must choose one of several sizes. In the suburbia where my parents live, this generated at least an hour-long discussion, including a guess that a particular neighbo(u)r will definitely get the largest size because of how much he recycles. I’m not sure if that was mockery, or perhaps envy for his superb recycling skills.
you forgot to distinguish between green bin and recycle. so it's a green bin vs. recycle vs. garbage decision. since green bin is like a compost, I don't see why boogers wouldn't go in there - I'm pretty sure they decompose. I'm just visualizing those inspectors trying to figure out what's on the paper towel...
wow you're taking this blog seriously
hey it's my only escape from studying so keep'em coming, it cracks me up.
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