
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Goooooooo (insert Canadian sports team here)!!!!

Canadians love their sports teams.

In my short stay here, I have already been to several Raptors (aka 'Raps') games and a Blue Jays game. (That's basketball and baseball, folks). The picture above is a real cake made by a real friend here during the recent basketball playoffs.

They don't screw around with this stuff. Tickets sales for sporting events here are taken as seriously as cocaine sales. I'm giving a scalping career serious thought.

In addition to the basketball playoffs, there were hockey playoffs going on as well and from what I understand, the Canadian teams did crappy in both. Considering how much people are into their sports teams here, I wouldn't be surprised if the suicide rate skyrocketed following the playoffs. Or maybe it won't because a new team in town - FC Toronto (soccer), another crappy Toronto team, has started its season.

I enjoy watching these games as they present rare opportunities to see large groups of people in Toronto at the same time. They also typically entail other things I enjoy, such as beer. I rarely know what's going on in the actual game or who the best players are, although I am willing to bet No. 20 on the Chicago White Sox has the best ass.

I'm also not deeply affected by any losses - my biggest disappointments tend to be when Raptors don't score 100 points or the Blue Jays don't get 7 strikeouts and I can't claim my ticket stub for a Pizza Pizza slice. Other disappointments include finding out the price of beers during these events and realizing it's still too damn cold in May for the Sky Dome roof to come down so I can catch some sun.


Blogger Paula said...

Listen you, just make sure you wear the right colors when I drag you to all these games! I don't want to be featured on the jumbotron and be booed at - or even worse, get bitten up by the roudy soccer fans - get your red on for the June 14th Toronto FC game - and learn the chants and songs that are required to be chanted and sang - words are online. Google it!


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