
Monday, June 16, 2008

Canadians enjoy bicycling

Canadians like to bike. I don't know if it's because they are all eco-friendly, granola-crunching tree huggers or what it is, but I've never met so many adults who own bikes.

This is "Bike Month" in Toronto. It evolved from Bike Day and Bike Week because those greedy bike-loving Canucks just couldn't get enough. The way it's going, next year will be Bike Year and the government will roll out some program mandating everyone from 18-85 bike year-round.

I'm pretty sure people here don't wait for the Bike Month slogan to show up in June before hopping on their beloved two-wheelers. People here bike to work, to barbecues, to go out, or to meet up with other bikers in order to do more biking. Perhaps it's a way to cope with lack of hockey during the scorching Canadian summers?

Many Canadian species carry bike maps with them and discuss different bike routes. They all know how much the new bikes cost at Canadian Tire. Advice about getting a deal by checking when cops sell their used bikes is dispensed as often as bathroom soap.

Once again, I don't fit in and will have to do something about this. Too bad I don't have my red BMX any more.


Blogger Paula said...

Everyone is just completely schocked that I am not biking to my tennis club ... Turns out I don't fit in either. MUST GET A BIKE!!!

Blogger Unknown said...

I would totally bike around NYC but the drivers are too crazy, and the subways are just so pleasant this time of year anyway.


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