
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My heart will go on. And on and on and on. . .

Canadian radio stations have to follow broadcasting laws that require a certain percentage of the content be played by Canadian artists – I believe the minimum ranges from 20 to 35%.

Now, mind you, Canada does have its share of musicians – Alanis Morissette, Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne, Crash Test Dummies, the Tragically Hip and so on.

But still - enough is enough. I mean, Alanis is still pissed at her ex, Avril’s getting on my nerves and – is it summer of 1969? Because I’m losing track of time here.

And then there is Nelly Furtado – the Canadian-born promiscuous girl/man eater seems to have taken over the airways here. Of course, she is also Portuguese, but who cares, she has enough Canadian in her to meet the broadcasting requirement. Don’t get me wrong – I like her - but if I continue to hear her 30% of the time the radio is on, she’s ll get as annoying as Celine Dion’s speeches.


Blogger Unknown said...

That's what working at GAP feels like, only you can't turn the music off, you have to listen to the same 5 songs for 9 hours..


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