
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The white stuff

Canada gets a lot of snow – hardly worth a blog entry. But it’s how and how much it snows that’s worth a few words.

It snows so much that people have no place to put the snow. Most driveways currently look like the Holland tunnel. Some cars are buried in snow so much that I'm pretty sure the owners just said 'Forget it, I'll wait 'til it melts in August.'

The other day, the snow was mixed with this crazy wind so that it snowed upwards. I was looking at it through my sister’s place and kept asking: ‘Why is the snow falling up?’

Then I ventured outside and there it snowed horizontally. Gigantic ice-embedded snowflakes kept smacking me in the face at a 180 degree angle. I guess it's like the survival of the fittest - in Canada, snowflakes have had enough practice over the years and only the strongest ones have survived.

I pulled my toque (translation: winter hat) over my face and wrapped my scarf around me, but it was no good. I may have to go shopping for one of those ski masks robbers wear.


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